Shower Power

Although we wouldn’t trade her for anything our little Dancer is well known for not being the friendliest or most daring child ever created.  She rarely speaks to even her closest friends in a public setting and is scared of…well, just about everything!  This summer has been amazing for her.  She made it through her first dance recital and actually danced!   She went from not leaving the steps of the pool to jumping off the diving board.  We travelled to Colorado and met Nana Croc (my momma) and Pops (my daddy) and she was even brave enough to ride the go carts (with Pops), the bumper boats (with my sister) and the giant slide.  All of these were grand accomplishments for the girl who is afraid of her own pet dogs!

One accomplishment, however, seems to be the crowning glory of our summer.  It is this one thing that gives her more joy and pride in being a “big girl”.  Greater than dance recitals or carnival rides, it is by this one thing she wants to be known by all.  She has asked me to share this with the Sunday School teacher from church who sent us home leftover cake, we have had to call grandparents, friends in other states, teachers and now she feels the need to share with the blogging world. 

I asked the children today what they thought I should write about tonight–after all, if I am going to write about them, they ought to have a little say in what I write about.  The boys simply shrugged their shoulders and went to play.  My sweet girl however saw her chance.  Her eyes grew wide, her face lit up, and she said, “I know what you should write about!  You should tell them, I learned to take a shower!”  And so, blogging world, now you know.  It doesn’t really matter that I have to get in the shower with her to block all water from spraying her.  It doesn’t matter that the whole time her face is covered with a washcloth and every couple of minutes she screams to wipe the water away.  It doesn’t even seem to matter that within five minutes she is usually fussing saying she really doesn’t like it and wants out.  What matters is–She did it! 

So be inspired by the sheer daring of a four year old and try something new!  Who knows, you might like it and even if you don’t you can add an accomplishment to your list!

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Pops said,

    These are getting better everyday. It kind of puts us in your house. Now, the whole blogging world has taken a shower with you two. That sounds a little shakey. Besides getting to read the wit and wisdom that you share we also get to enjoy Mr Charlie’s commentaries, and he is goooooood!

  2. 2

    tquack said,

    I am so glad you decided to blog you are so much funnier than you think. Not only have i not read comments about people thinking you were close to needing to be institutionalized, but I think you are helping us all to see humor in the little things of the day. By the way I learned that I can take a shower too. Put a big check mark in that box of my accomplishments.

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