A Cooking Meme

I was tagged for a Meme by Happy Mommy. Which is a great way to get me going this week.

When was the most recent time you were burned?

I have no idea.  It  has actually been awhile.  Unless you count Saturday night when I burned myself with steam from my iron while ironing church clothes…but that probably doesn’t count in a cooking meme.  The time I remember most burning something was not long after Tigerfan and I were married.  I was baking some cookies and went to take them out of the oven.  I grabbed the pan and decided to switch hands…to the one with no oven mitt.  Brilliant I know.  Worse yet…Tigerfan didn’t really even like the cookies I made.

Can you cook?

Why yes, yes I can.  And, I enjoy it tremendously although I don’t seem to do much of it these days.

If yes name your specialties.

Let’s see, I make a pretty good pot of Chicken and Dumplings and a pretty good pork loin.  I make some to die for green beans wrapped in bacon from a recipe I got from my brother in law. MMMMMMM.  And desserts…oh my.  Chocolate Revel Bars, Mississippi Mud Cake, and Tigerfan likes my Apple pie.

Do you enjoy cooking?

I love it when I have time.  And when the kids are cooperating.  I have started getting them involved in the process and I LOVE cooking with them!

What color is your kitchen?

It is very bright yellow.  We have a big picture of flowers in all sorts of bright colors so it is accented in red, orange, green blue.  It is very bright, happy, and unfinished.  I desperately need curtains but can never decide what would look good so almost five years after moving in and four years after painting all I have are bamboo shades.  Someday, it will be beautiful, though.

Do you bake?

Baking is my very favorite!  It reminds me of grandma.  And oh the deliciousness of what you can eat when you are through!  Unfortunately I am probably going to have to curtail some of my baking because I have decided to really get serious about losing weight and since I seem to be the one to eat the vast majority of the baked goods, I probably am going to have to stop!  Sigh!

What do you like to bake?

Cookies, Cakes, Brownies, Pie…I am not choosy.  Before we had more kids than hands I used to bake all our bread (without a bread machine mind you).  I adore the smell of freshly baked bread.  Did I mention I am dieting…Wow, this is making me hungry!

What color is your apron?

I have several but my favorite was made by my grandma and is green and yellow and has the obligatory tag on the back that says…Made with love by Grandma!

Okay…Feel free to play along.  If you do, leave me a comment and let me know so I can go check it out!

On a somewhat related note…meaning it has to do with food.  I am trying very hard to lose this weight and get healthy.  I have committed to telling someone about my progress and keeping a food journal to try to keep me on track.  You, my sweet blogging friends are  who I am telling…Tigerfan is a bad influence (I love you, sweetie!) so  feel free to ask me how it is going, send me your good, healthy recipes and I am going to start a page where I keep my journal online…hopefully that will keep me from cheating!  Thanks for your help!

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My First Award

OOOH!  I am excited.  Carolyn at Purple Diva’s Diary has given me my first award.  She is so much fun to read and super encouraging always.  She LOVES to give awards…so go check her out!  Anyway, once I get Tigerfan to figure out how to put it on my blog…I’ll post it!

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Brace yourselves, Deep Thoughts Follow

I have always been a quiet person, an introvert, I guess.  I was sandwiched between two very outgoing and fun sisters.  I was the “nerdy” bookworm.  They were fun with loads of friends.  I was smart with a few friends that I was extremely loyal to.

I was fashion challenged from the start although I didn’t know it.  Oh, how I wish I could figure out how to post pictures because I have a great picture of my favorite outfit from sixth grade.  It was a red and blue knicker jumpsuit complete with red and blue argyle socks.  I even donned the feathered locks!  In elementary school, I was blissfully unaware of my…fashion shortcomings.  In Junior high, I was too naive.  I can remember a few kids making fun, but I laughed along with them thinking how fun it was to joke with “friends”.  In high school, I clued in a little and when I began working spent more time trying to fit in to the styles, etc.  In fact, I probably thought I was quite “dapper!”

I never really felt great about myself, though.  I never measured up to my own standards.  I can remember crying with my mom because I wasn’t cool and popular like my sisters.  I never had a boyfriend, never became a leader at school, etc.  I knew my place in the high school hierarchy.  I wasn’t ultra nerdy, I wasn’t popular.  I was the one that 10 years later, people probably didn’t even realize was missing from the reunion.

I thrived more in college and gained some confidence, but I was a western girl in a southern school.  I still didn’t fit the mold.  I then married a man with some serious OCD tendencies.  He is GREAT, but some things I do will never measure up.  I can remember one day, early in our marriage, cleaning house.  When he came home, he mentioned his parents might come for the weekend so we really needed to clean up the place.  I was devastated…I just wasn’t enough.

I know I am not alone when I say, these feelings didn’t get better with motherhood.  I question every decision and when my children disobey or make bad choices…it somehow becomes about my lack of ability as a parent.

I have been through Bible Studies, read books, listened to Bible teachers, etc. all of which tell me I am made in God’s image, I am His perfect product, I am not a mistake.  All of that is in my head, but it is sooo hard to move that knowledge to my heart.  I guess that is one reason I love blogging.  There are no expectations, I can sit at the computer without makeup and 30 pounds overweight and people judge me not for my looks or fashion sense but for my words.  Although I sometimes wonder what my blogging friends look like, I do not choose them based on clothes or weight or looks or finances.  I am drawn to people with my values, my faith, people in a similar place in life, people I can relate to on the inside.

This is not to say I do not struggle with the same feelings of acceptance.  I will never be a Boomama or a Bigmama.  I will probably never be asked to be a guest/featured writer somewhere else.  Heavens, I can go days without a single comment and have had days in the not so recent past when 10 readers got me excited.  The funny thing is, that is not why I started blogging–it just seems to be human nature, or perhaps my nature, to want that acceptance, to want to excel, be known for SOMETHING (I mean other that being the crazy lady with 4 kids and that disheveled look on her face!).

Anyway, I say ALL that to say this.  I was walking on the treadmill yesterday and listening to a very old radio program about how women struggle with self image.  Beautiful women, popular women, successful women.  And somehow, the message FINALLY got through to my heart.  The way I see me and even the ways others see me is NOT how my God sees me.  He sees me not with all my flaws but clothed in garments of righteousness because I am His.  He purchased me with the highest price.  When I dread going to church because I am afraid of how people will see me–he sees beauty.  When I look in the mirror in disgust at a body that doesn’t seem to want to go back to its original shape, He sees not the fat but the heart.  The fact is–all those people whose opinions I am so worried about probably aren’t really paying attention anyway.  But I am never out of the Father’s thoughts!  Should I try to take care of myself–of course.  Should I strive to be healthy and a healthy weight–definitely.  But I need to stop wasting time worrying about how the world sees me and spend more time just bringing glory to the Father.  I will never be a beauty queen.  I will never win blogger of the year.  I sure won’t win mother of the year but I hope that when I start getting in the dregs of those old feelings that I am not enough, I remember that, no, I am not enough.  But my God is!

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Cleanin’ and Flingin’

Today, I decided to do a little home organization.  My house has been driving me crazy…stuff everywhere!  Tigerfan keeps saying our house is too small and we need something bigger.  I love our house, I say we just need less stuff!

Anywhoo, I recruited the kiddos, got on the flylady website and looked at the week’s missions.  The zone for the week just  happens to be kid’s rooms so it was very timely.  We followed each of the suggestions and made it a game. 

First they went to their rooms with a garbage bag and just looked quickly for anything that needed to be thrown away.  Between the three of them (I didn’t make the baby clean up, I figure 5 months is a little young!) I think they found a bead and a piece of fuzz–so far things were very productive.  Then we did the “27 item boogie” They had to really look and search and find 27 items apiece that they could throw away–this could be school papers they no longer needed or broken toys, etc.  This was a little more difficult.  Especially for Dancer whom I was helping.  I kept finding tiny pieces of paper with one stenciled picture.  I would ask if we could throw that away to which she would give me an astonished look and proclaim her love for that piece of paper!

When that was accomplished I told the kids to find 3 toys they no longer played with that we could donate to boys or girls who didn’t have many toys.  Oh!  They were excited–they could do that!  In seconds Baseball boy was back showing me his stash.  The equivalent of three McDonald’s toys.  I explained that really wasn’t what I had in mind–I meant a little more substantial, something that took up space.  About that time, Football Boy came with his finds–three McDonald like toys.  Frustrated I explained that if they couldn’t purge some toys that I would wait for a day they were gone and I would do it like I used to.  I was trying to give them a choice but I know what they play with and if they can’t get rid of it on their own–I would do it.  Their reply?   “Cool!—Can we go to Nana’s?”

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ABC’s of Me

I have been tagged by my new friend Carolyn!  I know to those “cool” bloggers out there that is not exciting, but to those of us who are reader challenged it is quite thrilling!

Make sure you pay attention to the letter “T” cause I am tagging 4 of you!

A. Attached or Single? Attached (married) for 13 years

B. Best Friend? Male-My sweet Tigerfan/Female-probably my sister and my friend “T”

C. Cake or pie? yes

D. Day of choice? Sunday-The Lord’s Day and a day of rest

E. Essential item? Hand lotion–I am freakishly addicted!

F. Favorite color? -Pink

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, can’t handle the worm texture!!!

H. Home town? Boise, Idaho

I. Favorite indulgence? Chocolate–I’m not picky!

J. January or July? July-Summer vacation!

K. Kids? Four and NO MORE!

L. Life isn’t complete without? Humor

M. Marriage date? 6/10/1995

N. Number of brothers and sisters? Two sisters, one older,one younger and a sort of adopted Japanese brother (very long story)

O. Oranges or Apples? Fuji apples, although I am also a fan of the orange!

P. Phobias? Arachnaphobia!

Q. Quotes? My senior quote for the highschool yearbook:  “No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.”

R. Reasons to smile? My precious 5 month old surprise sitting in the excersaucer and scraming in delight.

S. Season of choice? Summer-refer to “J”

T. Tag 5 people:  Four Little Penguins, P.S. He Loves You, Happy Mommy, The Mother Load (okay, it says five…but I got nothin’ so four it is!)

U. Unknown fact about me? I played flute in the marching band in high school.  I was very bad.  And my hat wouldn’t stay on my head.  After one year and earning my letter, I quit!

V. Vegetable? Fried Okra

W. Worst habit?  Procratination

X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound

Y. Your favorite food? Chocolate

Z. Zodiac sign? Gemini but I really have no use for such things  🙂

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Pride Cometh Before a Fall

Several years ago I worked at a Mother’s Day Out.  I helped in the Pre-K room and each day we would take our class and go out to the playground with the other Pre-K class.  The children would run around and play while the teachers watched them, sat on a bench and chatted.  I remember many days when the other teachers would make comments like, “I left my house in a wreck this morning!” or “We didn’t have time to make a single bed today.”  I must admit that, while I never spoke up, I listened with pride KNOWING that I would NEVER let my house get that way.  After all, I had two children.  Those ladies only had one more than me.  They just needed to be more organized, plan a little better, have the kids help out.  There is no reason they can’t leave their house neat and orderly.

I am sure you can see where this is going!

Fast Forward a few years and two kids.  A lot has changed since those days.  I now homeschool.  I teach at a tutorial that requires planning and grading.  I have more children who are into more activities and make bigger messes.  They have friends who come to play and places/things to go and do.  My house–it is a WRECK!  I know it is a wreck.  I do not like it, but I am powerless against the forces of clutter that have taken over!  Every time I walk in my kitchen I swear this is the day I will tame the chaos.  Every night when I fall exhausted in to bed, I promise myself tomorrow I will get to it!  I have been reading a book and have felt quite convicted about my house, and frankly myself.  The book talks about how visual men are and how they really want to come home to a neat house and a put together wife.  SO, today, I was determined–I was going to get it done–Today was the day!  I got started early and got the kids involved. They did their “morning musts” and began summer math review and reading.  I got the laundry started and while the baby napped and the boys read, I got started on lunch.  We were doing a big lunch today because Tigerfan has a class to teach at the University tonight and wouldn’t be home for supper.  I made dessert, I cleaned up the dishes, unloaded the dishwasher, swapped laundry….the kids finished reading and quietly began playing together in the living room (they knew to play quietly so as not to draw attention to themselves thereby getting drawn into more housework).  I started the chicken, made a salad, prepared garlic toast, etc.  I washed ALL the dishes as I worked and even shined my sink (FLYlady would be so proud).  I must admit that old prideful feeling was coming back!  Baby started fussing and I jumped up to get him thinking that I could feed him and have everything ready as soon as Tigerfan got home.  I ran up the stairs, got the baby, took him to the kitchen, fed him, washed him up, and grabbed his bottle.

It was at this point my pride took a beating.  I literally could not walk from the kitchen, through the computer room to the living room and if I had, I could not have made it to the couch.  My beautiful children, who had been playing so well together had basically taken every toy we own, brought it down to those rooms and set up housekeeping!  I hadn’t even gotten one room cleaned, just maintained its current state, and two rooms were impassible.

Now, the good news I didn’t yell.  The bad news.  I just can’t figure it out.  What am I doing wrong?  (That is besides blogging instead of cleaning).  How do you balance a pleasing, neat home AND children who require time, attention and love?  I cannot find a balance.  Well, the living room is now straightened, but the kitchen is not and I would love to clean it up…but right now I have an appointment with the 8 and 5 year old “Ten Years Younger” team. 

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Father’s Day

Whew!  What a day!  We began in a whirlwind trying to get ready and be to church early because we were participating in baby dedication.  Us being early, or even on time, anywhere is a major thing these days so it wasn’t easy.  And we weren’t too early!  Baby was sooooo cute!  He was so interested in everything on the stage, he just smiled and looked around–makes me want to go kiss on the little guy just thinking about it!

We had a great service and then went to lunch.  We did not have such great luck with that!  We were supposed to go to one of my FIL’s favorite Chinese Buffets.  There was a coupon in the paper yesterday for 15% off today.  But when Nana and Papaw got there, they had doubled their prices and would only give the 15% off to fathers.  That made them mad so they called us and told us to meet at another restaurant.  We went there and then waited almost 45 minutes after we sat down before we even got our drinks.  We were starting to get a little cranky, but once they figured out we were there things got better–how do you not notice 8 people 4 of whom are children?

Anyway, we rushed home, changed clothes and rushed back out to the movies.  We took the kids to see Kung Fu Panda and while it will probably not become a childhood classic it was cute and the kids came home with a few lines to repeat endlessly!

When we got home, Tigerfan played with the kids while I vacuumed the pool and then they swam (I stayed out with Baby).  They had so much fun.  The kids love it when Daddy swims with them-he is much more fun than I am!

We came in, bathed, ate a quick supper, put the kids to bed and Tigerfan and I just enjoyed a late night bowl of ice cream (I do not understand why I don’t seem to be losing any weight).  It was a great Father’s Day!  And hopefully the beginning of a great, calm week.

Oh!  one last story from VBS.  We had one little boy this week that was so cute.  HUGE brown eyes and the biggest smile you ever saw.  Every day he endeared himself to me a little more.  I have probably never used my name on this blog but it is Star.  Our theme this year was Island Outfitters so everything went with a beach type idea.  We assigned the 1st grade classrooms by themed ideas and our room was identified by a starfish.  This little boy called me Mrs. Starfish the whole week, I really think he thought that was my name!  Anyway, he got so excited about everything we did–especially music.  Each day on the way when he would ask where we were going and I told him he would clap his little hands, grin ear to ear and exclaim, “I love music!”  The last day, we had a guest speaker/magician at the final celebration.  He began his show by showing an empty tube.  He then set the tube up and began pulling “money” out of it.  “B” got so excited!  He started screaming, “He is doing MAGIC!  He is MAGIC!”  After pulling out the money, the magician started pulling out beads and they just kept coming.  By this point, “B” was absolutely beside himself with excitement!  “Oh!”  he said, “I just want to go hug him!”  His enthusiasm made the whole week worth it, that and the little boy from our class that made a profession of faith this week!!  It has been wild, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

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A Little More About Me

Carolyn at Diva’s Diary began these questions to get to know her fellow bloggers better.  I needed some quick blogging help this weekend so I am jumping on board.  I also added one question at the end.  Feel free to copy and add to your blog–I would love to get to know ya’ll better!

Do you eat breakfast?
Yes, every day. I wake up STARVING!  I used to eat before anything, now I walk on the treadmill first and then eat before anyone else gets up.  It is like therapy!
How do you like your eggs?
In a cake!
Have you ever slammed your finger in a kitchen drawer?
Of course!  I have also tripped over my own feet, walked into a pole, slipped getting out of the shower and broken my toe.  The list is endless.                                                         Ever got a splinter in your foot?
Probably not because other than in the shower I am NEVER barefoot.  I hate bare feet and always have on either shoes or house shoes.  ALWAYS!  Yes, that is weird!                        Have your neighbors ever had a wedding in their back yard?
I have no earthly idea.  However, the neighbors across the street have a lovely yard that would be ideal for a wedding, so if anyone is looking for a location, I could probably hook you up!
Do you have plans for Father’s Day?
We will have Baby dedication at church and then go to lunch with Tigerfan’s parents.  I think we will possibly go see a movie with the kiddos tomorrow afternoon and maybe swim and almost certainly play hooky from night church because we are just rebels like that!  The day could also possibly include ice cream cones and picking up a grill that will be his father’s day present but he has to pick it out because you do NOT pick out a grill for an OCD person!
Do you ever sit and watch birds in your yard?
I Love to.  We have a bluebird that lives in our bluebird house and lots of cardinals, robins, etc. that hang out around the pool fence.  We go feed them bread crumbs occasionally and of course hang the obligatory peanut butter/pine cone ornaments a few times a year when the children make them at church or school.  They are indeed entertaining.
Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
When facing the bed, the left side.  My knight in shining armor sleeps on the side closest to the window.  In case, you know, someone tries to sneak in the second story window and clean my house or something because heaven knows there is nothing here to steal!            Do you exercise every day?
I personally feel that mothering 4 children is daily exercise.  However, it doesn’t seem to help take off the pounds so I have begun walking on the treadmill almost daily and trying to do arm and tummy exercises with Football boy.  Unfortunately the arms and tummy often do not get done.  I think I am destined to a life of flab!  Yuck!
Do you have exercise equipment at your house?
I have an evil, horrible treadmill that I HATE, however, it is my only option so we continue our dis-functional relationship.  I also have 2 five pound hand weights.   And I wonder why I do not have a movie star body.                                                                                    What’s your favorite fruit?
Fresh pineapple.  I also love grapes and strawberries and apples.  Not so much melons…I am not a melon person!
What book are you currently reading or the last book you read?
I am currently reading Youniquely Woman by Kay Arthur, Emilie Barnes, and Donna Otto and Help! I’m Laughing and I Can’t Get Up by Liz Curtis Higgs.  I just finished  2 books, one by Beverly Lewis and one by Wanda E. Brunstetter but I do not remember the names–they are about Amish people…enough said.  I have 2 more books awaiting me: The Stones Cry Out by Sibella Giorello and Three by Ted Dekker.  I also will finish the series by Wanda E. Brunstetter and Beverly Lewis soon.  Summer is my reading time so I do lots while the kids are swimming.  I must admit it is a little harder this year with an infant but he has to sleep sometime!                                                                                                                      Do you have trees in your yard?
Yes, I have lots of trees. We live on almost 3 acres surrounded by woods.  We have lots of evergreens, Crepe Myrtles, Black Walnut, Oak, a beautiful Weeping Willow that looks over our pond and many more that I cannot identify.  I love our lot!                                              What colors are in your kitchen?
I have a bright yellow kitchen with blue, red, and green accents.  It is very bright, very happy and very unfinished.  I need curtains and would love new cabinets and countertops but I can’t complain.
Do you have acrylic nails?
I have four young children.  I have broken nails.  I had acrylic nails in highschool.  They all got ripped off at freshman orientation at college.  I decided it was expensive, painful and unnatural.  Now I do not even have painted nails.  Except once last year when my MIL gave me a gift certificate for a manicure.  They were pretty for about three days

 **My addition:  What is your favorite product/idea you have come across because of blogging?           Thisjewelry from Smartmoms jewelry.  This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that things”  it is brilliant.  Jewelry that is cute and safe for your baby to chew on which everyone knows he is going to.  I just got the black one in the mail the other day (birthday present) and it really is cute and baby loves it!    

I realize something is horribly wrong with the lining up of words on this post–I cannot seem to fix it.  Sorry!   😦                                        

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Berriesweet Contest

Just wanted to let you know about another contest at the berriesweetpicks blog.  This one is for Baby and Toddler Bistro Boxes.  They are cute little “flashcards” with ideas for making homemade babyfood.  There is also one for toddler meals.  If you have little ones around the house, you should go check it out!

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A Letter to the Planners and Writers of VBS

To Whom it may Concern:

I have fond memories of Vacation Bible School as a child.  Fond memories of making match stick crosses, eating graham crackers and Kool-aid and saying the pledge to the Bible and flags.  I remember rousing choruses of B-I-B-L-E and games of tag on the church lawn.  The memories are wonderful.

As an adult, the memories are not so good.  For instance, in the last 3 days alone, I have been kissed on the face, hands, arms, feet, and bottom (yes, I said bottom).  My co-teacher and I have been told we are hated and mean.  I sat through a missions story while a 6 year old continuously blew raspberries on my arm.   We have been hit, kicked, pushed, laid on and even asked if we could be spit on!  But I think I know the problem!  You see, the leaders of VBS are stay at home moms and teachers.  They have either just finished a year at school and have only recently begun to enjoy the peace that is summer or they are entertaining children who are already whining, “I’m bored!”

As a stay at home, homeschooling mom who also teaches at a tutorial, I feel I can represent all these groups.  VBS People, we are tired!

Now, far be it from me to register a complaint without also offering a solution.  I have thought hard about this dilemma and think I have come up with a few viable solutions I would like you to consider.

1.  Vacation Bible Work Week.  A slight variation on the idea of the traditional Bible School in which the children actually accompany a working parent to their job and see first hand “ministry in action”.  A few ideas:  Bible Story will be told on the way to work.  Day 1-David and Goliath Mom/Dad is David bravely facing the Giant of corporate America without even wearing any armor.  Craft-Use thrown out office supplies to make a life size portrait of a Bible Scene.  Recreation/Missions project-spend the day running errands for all the employees.  Make it a challenge by trying to out-do your own time at the pencil sharpener or making paper wads into the waste baskets.

2.  Vacation Bible Camp-This variation includes not the frazzled mother, but the father who would surely love to spend some good, quality time with the children.  Daddies take ALL the children camping–far away.  Imagine the lessons learned from nature about creation, life, etc.  Crafts can include pine cone art, whittling, or any popsicle stick craft (simply substitute real, live sticks for the popsicle variety).  Imagine the ministry you are performing for mom who is sure to have a smile on her face when you return…until she gets the laundry bag.

3.  Vacation Bible time with the youth who need to do something besides text message anyway-This idea can be adjusted for the number and ability of the available youth.  Be sure to first confiscate phones.  Not only will this solve the overworked mother/teacher problem, I feel certain it would also be a fantastic way to encourage youth to go to college, get a good job and wait a few years to start a family!

These are just a few suggestions.  Think about them and let me know what you think!

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